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A path

Here is a leisurely stroll down the path on which my various pieces have come to life. Both a personal and collective adventure, these steps have been decisive moments in the development of my artistic language and technique; moments of sharing experiences with artist friends; and of course, moments of sharing the seasonal fruits of my own labour with those who are also touched by the world of watercolour.


These individual exhibits reflect back, not only on to myself but on to others as well, an image of my work during a certain period, in particular places, some of which are particularly familiar. These exhibits are entities, of time and of theme – the two often in tandem. They have been, are, and will continue to be opportunities to mark a loop in my path, without ever actually ending it.


The exhibitions in which I have participated have been special moments of exchange with other watercolourists, in places that are often not very well known to the general public, but significant nonetheless to those who are receptive to this uniquely pluralistic and subtle art that watercolour is. These exhibits establish the connection between my personal path and my artistic community.

Thoughts of a watercolourist

Characterized, and rightly so, as a difficult medium, it is for this very reason that watercolour has awaken my sensibilities and my passion.